Monday, May 13, 2013

May 6, 2013

Dear Everybody

Well this week has been a good week. Well we had lots of stuff fall out again, but that's ok. That's life as a missionary. I didn't know it could happen so much, but oh well. We are trying. But a good thing is that R. is really progressing well. He loves meeting with us.  And whenever we make out another appointment he always says, “Ok Siebzehn uhr five on the clock Heiligen der Letzen Tage.” It's great. We have gone over all of the lessons with him and just have a few more commandments to go over. But he really likes them. Last week we were talking about personal revelation and he loved it. He thought it was amazing we could receive revelation. Then also we talked about him receiving the priesthood and how he would be a priest. And he said, “My dad always wanted me to be a priest but I didn't make it. I guess I would actually become one.” Then he'd ask us about the baptism with the Holy Ghost. He doesn't care so much for the baptism by immersion. Like ya, it's ok ,but the baptism with the Holy Ghost he is way excited for. And wants it as soon as he is ready for baptism. 

Sadly Frau W. wasn't able to meet with us on Friday. We went to her house and she left a note saying call this number so we did. She tried to talk to us but it sounded like a million kids were using her like monkey bars. So she was baby sitting. She really appreciates that we are trying to come. We called her today and she thought it was nice that we remembered her and that she would look at her planner and maybe tonight meet and if not than next week. She is a super nice lady. 

Oh also this week we have mission tour. So a general authority is going to come and speak to us. I forget his name. He is a seventy from Europe I think. But that's on Friday so every missionary in the german part of the mission is going to Munich. So it will be my third time there. In this mission we don't go to mission hq very often. 

But we do have some other really good news. So this week we are basically booked with time. Between members, investigators and less actives (with the hours of travel in between) our week is full, which isn't bad as a missionary. Ya, we aren't like stateside missionaries with a car who's travel time is 5 minutes. But we still have a lot going on. So, hopefully it doesn't all fall out again. But not much we can do about that. 

It's crazy to think my year mark is right around the corner. Missions go by so freaking fast. Then the second year goes by way faster than the first I've heard. That's crazy to think about.  It shows how much every day counts

Well to let you know I did get you something for christmas. Problem is it's still just sitting in my apartment. So don't feel too bad about it. But you can ship stuff to me I don't care. Just as long as it's not an enormous door that I have to ship home. If it's small enough that you'd be fine carrying it to the Williams than go ahead. And using the truck doesn't count as carrying it.

That's funny about prom. JJ is quite the character. He makes me laugh every time I see him. I wonder where he will go on his mission. I bet he had fun at prom. That's weird to think about. I remember when Michael was going to prom. Well Jason and Michael. I was just about to ship out. That's crazy. When JJ leavs I'll be just about to get home from my mission. I won't see that kid for quite a long time. 

That's really cool about the dogs and cancer. Why don't they just use dogs to diagnose everyone? I know it would take a lot of time and money. But hey, it would work. 

And it's cool how the Lord really has us go to each calling for a reason. He knew you knew how to work with the youth so he sent you there to make a bridge between the residents and the youth. That's just how it goes.

That's a great quote about the spiritual gifts. I think I'll use that in district meeting tomorrow. They are every Tuesday and cost 50 euro from travel. It shows how important a lot of the meetings are. Mission tour is going to cost thousands of euro. It shows the importance of us gathering together to learn the word of God. Lots of people don't realize just how important it is for us to gather together. Learning from each other is one of the most important things we can do. That includes home teaching and every other teaching opportunity we are given.

And spotify I remember that from BYU. I used it all the time. Way better than pandora. I stopped using I tunes from my computer. 

c’ya sunday.

I Love you
Elder Kinghorn

P.S. 15:30 here I'll be calling

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